Admin User Emails
Admin User Emails

Email template chosen based on theme fallback when "Default" option is selected.

Email template chosen based on theme fallback when "Default" option is selected.

Email template chosen based on theme fallback when "Default" option is selected.

Startup Page
Startup Page
Admin Base URL
Admin Base URL

Make sure that base URL ends with '/' (slash), e.g. http://yourdomain/magento/

You will have to sign in after you save your custom admin path.


If set to Yes, you can log in from multiple computers into same account. Default setting No improves security.

Limit the number of password reset request per hour. Use 0 to disable.

Delay in minutes between password reset requests. Use 0 to disable.

Please enter at least 60 and at most 31536000 (one year).

We will disable this feature if the value is empty.

We will disable this feature if the value is empty.


If 0 is specified, CAPTCHA on the Login form will be always available.

Please specify 8 symbols at the most. Range allowed (e.g. 3-5)

Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed.
Similar looking characters (e.g. "i", "l", "1") decrease chance of correct recognition by customer.

Admin Usage
Admin Usage

Allow Magento to track admin usage in order to improve the quality and user experience.